Our Company

𝗕𝗜𝗣𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗺𝗮 was created in the city of Monterrey, Mexico, in 2014, to provide analytical and artificial intelligence solutions that allow our clients to optimize their information management and decision-making processes. From strategic consulting services to the delivery and support of applications on any analytical platform. And always generating long-term relationships of trust with our clients, vendors, and partners, through the passion, honesty, attitude, knowledge, and experience of our people.

  • Mision
  • We are a Mexican company of consulting services of added value in processes of business and IT, software development and custom projects, with a strong focus on Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics. Generating long-term relationships with our clients, suppliers and associates, backed by passion, attitude, knowledge and experience of our team of collaborators
  • Vision
  • To be the leading company in solutions that support decision making.
  • Values
  • Pragmatism
  • BIPRAGMA: Business Intelligence PRAGMATIC
    Pragmatism: From the English 'pragmatism', and the gr. πρᾶγμα, -ατος prâgma, -atos 'action', 'occupation', 'business' and -ism '-ism'. Preference for the practical or useful.
    Pragmatism, associated with BIPRAGMA's value proposition towards our collaborators, partners, clients and suppliers, refers to the fact that we always prioritize what is practical and useful. Starting from understanding their needs, motivations, aspirations and perceptions, we try to adjust to reality and propose and implement solutions adapted to each particular case. It is a continuous process in which theory is drawn from our practical experience and then applied again to that practice to enrich it and form what we call "continuous intelligent practice."
  • Objectivity
  • It is the quality of the objective. This definition implies, then, that objectivity is something relative, or never achievable, since the "objective" is always defined, treated and interpreted by subjects. However, in all areas of knowledge, there are clear principles, laws or criteria that tend to avoid or reduce subjectivities, which can harm decision-making, project execution, or people's performance. Objectivity, associated with BIPRAGMA's value proposition, is to try that our professional practice is based on the predominance of theoretical knowledge, practical experience, reasoning and the consideration of real and concrete facts and data, regardless of prejudices, beliefs , feelings or particular interests.
  • Discipline
  • It is the ability to do things in an orderly and systematic way, following a set of strict principles and rules. It supposes the virtue of controlling the impulses, emotions, distractions and desires that separate us from the goals.
    Hence, discipline is a very important value of BIPRAGMA when it comes to achieving complex, high-effort or high-risk goals. This value is also essential to be able to develop many other virtues, without discipline it is practically impossible to acquire the strength and temperance that are required to face the changes and adversities that arise daily.
  • Excelence
  • Excellence: from the Latin 'excellentia'. That which, based on the considerable quality of their work, makes a person or a company worthy of high esteem, respect and appreciation. The notion of excellence, therefore, is related to the idea of ​​perfection and outstanding characteristics. The term indicates that which is above the rest and that has few shortcomings or weaknesses. In the case of companies, it mentions some condition, capacity or ability that is unusual or very difficult to match by the competition.
    Excellence, associated with the BIPRAGMA value proposition, is to promote our faculties and strategies to the maximum, to be able to accept change and adaptation to improve ourselves on a personal, professional and social level, seeking every day to be better to achieve our goals more demanding.
  • "We are what we repeatedly do. The pursuit of excellence, then, should not be an isolated act, but a habit."
  • Responsibility
  • From the Latin 'responsum', it is the virtue of making decisions consciously and assuming their consequences, responding to them before whoever corresponds at all times, or in other words, it is the existing capacity in every person to recognize and accept the consequences of a fact that you have freely performed.
  • At BIPragma we understand this important quality very well, which forces us to put special care and attention in everything we say, do or decide and always trying to comply with the following principles:
  • Plan in time and form the different actions that make up a particular activity;
  • Assume the consequences that omissions, works, expressions and feelings generate in our collaborators, clients and work environment;
  • Report in a timely manner anomalies that are generated voluntarily or involuntarily in our work;
  • Promote healthy practices to produce, handle and use the tools and materials that the position gives you;
  • Honesty
  • From the Latin 'honesttas', it is the quality of the honest, and adjective of decent, sincere, fair, upright, upright and honest. In other words, it is the virtue or quality of the honest man and a sign of rectitude and integrity in acting.
  • At BIPragma we always seek to behave and express ourselves honestly, being consistent with the values of justice, ethics and truth.
  • Respect
  • From the Latin 'respectus', 'attention' or 'consideration', it is the appreciation and special care that you have for someone or something. It consists of knowing how to value and care the interests and needs of others. Shows of respect are traditionally considered to be related to moral and ethical issues, although in some cases they have to do with legal and cultural issues. While many forms of respect are based on the relationship of reciprocity and mutual recognition, Regarding the respect of people towards objects, customs, cultures, ideologies and institutions, they are based on complying with principles, policies, methodologies, rules and other considerations other than reciprocity.
  • At BIPragma, respect is one of the fundamental values that we must have always present when interacting with our collaborators, clients and everything our work ecosystem.
  • Adaptability
  • Adaptive quality. Action and effect of adapting to a new situation. It comes from the Latin 'adaptre': 'to adjust one thing to the other'. It is the ability to modify behavior patterns to perform effectively in a world in which some paradigms change very frequently.
  • In BIPragma there is always enough flexibility in the work teams to adapt, face unforeseen events and provide innovative solutions in an agile way to any new problem or change, which although most are simple, there are others very complex and large-scale.

Our Differentiator

An essential value differentiator is our pragmatic advisory guidance and objective, which allows us to propose and implement innovative solutions, practical, achievable and with the best return on investment.