Prescriptive Analytics

Advanced Analitycs

  • Production planning:
  • Generate annual, monthly and daily production plans optimally.
  • Supply chain planning:
  • Identify the best production sites and best routes distribution within your supply chain.
  • Revenue management:
  • Anticipate your customers and maximize your revenue.
IBM Decision Optimization
What is the objective of prescriptive analytics?

It allows to automate certain business decisions by solving certain business problems. optimization that can be represented based on variables and constraints. Its main objective is optimize resources, increase operational efficiency and improve the user experience.

What is IBM Decision Optimization?
  • IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio, part of the IBM Decision Optimization platform, is a Prescriptive Analytics solution that allows the development and implementation of optimization models through mathematical programming with constraints. It is also known as an "Optimization Solver ";
  • It offers a fully functional integrated development environment that supports the programming languages ​​Python, Java and OPL (Optimization Programming Language);
  • It allows modeling different optimization problems (linear, integer and mixed programming, quadratic programming, quadratically limited convex problems, etc.);
  • It is not necessary to specify a sequence of steps to execute (imperative programming) to solve this type of optimization problems, but only specify the properties that must have the solution (programming with constraints);
  • IBM Decision Optimization is an integral part of IBM Watson® Studio, so users can benefit from all IBM data science features, such as access to data models machine learning, the ability to pass the predictive analytics output to the decisions, visualization functions and a wide variety of data connectivity options;
  • It can be installed on HP, AIX, Linux, Windows and Mac OS platforms;
  • It has a wide range of libraries for traditional programming languages most important (C, C ++, C #, Java, Python, Visual Basic and FORTAN). It also has plugins to be used from Microsoft Excel and MATLAB tables;
  • Supports connection to database servers for information extraction:
  • Windows: ODBC, Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server.
  • UNIX: Oracle.

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