360° Vision

Business intelligence

Many organizations are in search of the customer 360 with the objective of integrating customer information through multiple channels, systems, devices and products to enhance your experience with the brand and maximize delivered value.
In addition, Big Data and analytics are changing the way companies organizations make their decisions. Companies have increasingly have more information about your clients' needs and preferences. With this panorama, it is essential to have a customer 360 vision of all clients.

What is customer 360°?
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Customer 360 is more than a strategy, it is a vision that penetrates the company culture and is recognizes in each decision, in each action and in each of the interactions that the organization has with its consumers, but also with its partners, suppliers, potential customers.

The 360 ​​customer vision is:
Coherence. A complete view of customers through products, systems and interaction channels in the that diversity does not alienate coherence at any time.
Timelessness. It is about looking at the present, but collecting the knowledge extracted from the past and keeping the focus on the future and what will come with it.
Depth. Thanks to customer 360 it is possible to achieve a better understanding of each of these people we call clients. It is the starting point for more authentic and lasting relationships.
Hope. For many leading organizations, the 360 ​​customer vision is a way to respond to the convergence of your customers' expectations.
Vehicle. Customer 360 brings together all the attributes that the market perceives of the brand. It's context, but also customization; it is relevance, without forgetting the detail.
However, despite the importance of opening one's eyes to reality through the perspective of customer 360, there are still companies that are reluctant to provide the means to make the discovery. Is about organizations that still have their customer data spread across applications, platforms and systems. Disintegrated, inaccessible, unknown or lost. Even though the 360 ​​customer vision degrees is the key to success, fragmentation persists and becomes a major obstacle to knowing the person we serve on the other side of the counter, the line, or the screen.
Fortunately, major customer-centric organizations are beginning to take advantage of data analytics solutions to exploit the potential of Hadoop and big data to acquire a true 360-degree vision of your customers and, based on it, offer them a unique experience, a service personalized and many other advantages.

How Big Data Can Help
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Big Data has changed many things, both on the business side and on the customer side. Today, Internet users are no longer surprised to see, for example, personalized recommendations for products. Every day they receive advertisements expressly addressed to them and designed based on their latest searches on the net. They are more exposed than ever, but also better informed and, without the massive e integrated information that the best use of Big Data provides, this process would be practically impossible.
In turn, companies want to have more information, more complete and consistent. Quality in your data that allows them to achieve a holistic vision, beyond the limited purely transactional visibility, which will be their greatest ally when it comes to offering innovative products and services, exquisite attention and any means to differentiate yourself from your competitors.
But there is a barrier. It is about the way in which information has been stored in recent years, without control, without design, without vision. Often the necessary data is stored in two different places: within the company and within third party systems. With an added complication, which has to do with the fact that many traditional data storage systems are not configured for manage the volumes of information that the organization demands today.
And, to solve this question, Big Data platforms emerge, which make it possible to combine the three known vees to support the business on its journey to knowledge. A system that, when moved or combined with cloud capabilities, it manages to increase business adaptability and give it wings in such an environment. distributed and changing like the current one.
However, it is not enough to have the means, but it is also necessary to know how to take advantage of that potential.

Building a Customer 360°
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The journey towards creating a holistic view of customers must begin with technology choice adequate. There are the media. It is the starting point from which sound decisions must be followed in what it concerns how to use all that power.

To reach the customer 360° goal
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Define a client identity: that reads their unique character, their personality, their expectations, among others data.
Grouping internal data: gathering transaction information, data collected from customer service and from customer satisfaction surveys or studies. Without forgetting, of course, the client's activity in the company websites, delization programs, and social media.
Collect data from external data sources - This is trend and event information. Here i know would include all aspects related to lifestyle, geographic and demographic profiles, habits and also all the data that allow an analysis of the competition to be carried out. Apply predictive analysis techniques: combining all the information collected, techniques can be applied of advanced analytics that allow us to gain that customer 360 knowledge that we pursue. Thus, it will be possible forecast the probability of customers buying, the effectiveness of cross selling and up selling actions or the potential customer conversion possibilities.
However, to be able to get the right information from the right person at the time timely, there are still things to do.
Our organization has already gained in integration of information, knowledge and vision, but still there are 5 steps to take:

a) Listen to the customer. And offer feedback, both towards Rave comments, as towards complaints and criticisms.
b) Understand how they interact. Understand what is behind each decision that moves them in one direction or another and pay attention to changes that announce trends.
c) Identify our strengths as a brand. Those aspects that are reflected in an increase in customer satisfaction.
d) Customize. Multiply the customization and increase the possibilities that the client feels important to us, valued and unique.
e) Involve the customer. Make him participate, keep the dialogue, making it an active part of the business through the different channels and offers, with the aim of strengthening their loyalty.

The 360 ​​customer vision is not a milestone that can be reached and left behind. I know it's about a state, a strategic approach that needs data updated. It is necessary to continue nourishing our quality data systems, it is important to be aware of the latest developments in technology that allow to empower the business user, a government of effective data and pay sufficient attention to master data management so that this knowledge continues to bear fruit, becoming accurate actions that differentiate our organization.

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